Thomas McMullan

Thomas McMullan is a writer and artist. His debut novel, The Last Good Man (Bloomsbury) won the 2021 Betty Trask Prize. His short fiction and poetry have been published in Granta, 3:AM Magazine and Best British Short Stories, and his journalistic work has appeared in publications including The Guardian, Times Literary Supplement, frieze, ArtReview and BBC News. He has also worked with theatre companies and games studios in London, Amsterdam and Los Angeles, including Punchdrunk, The Chinese Room and Roll7 (Bafta: Best British Game, 2023). 

In an exhibition with no artworks at Chisenhale Gallery, London, the artist subverts conventions of display

BY Thomas McMullan |

A grotesque new group show at Sadie Coles HQ, London, addresses sexual power dynamics but tends toward outdated provocation


BY Thomas McMullan |

With physical spaces on lockdown, exhibitions and sales rooms are migrating online. Will they ever come back?

BY Thomas McMullan |

The movement never quite took hold in the UK but, as a new exhibition at Dulwich Picture Gallery shows, British culture was – and remains – deeply surreal

BY Thomas McMullan |

A new retrospective celebrates the artist’s ability to warp technology

BY Thomas McMullan |

Across the programme, animals are at the centre of the drama

BY Thomas McMullan |

Why are recent blockbuster video games so obsessed with religion?

BY Thomas McMullan |

Beatriz Colomina’s latest book, X-Ray Architecture, argues that the spaces and technologies of the sanatorium gave rise to the modern movement’s iconic forms

BY Thomas McMullan |

The artist’s new show at White Cube combines structuralist filmmaking with the Green Cross Code, to dazzling effect

BY Thomas McMullan |

A riff on the gallery’s landmark 1956 show, Whitechapel Gallery’s latest exhibition boasts some compelling pairings but has an unconfident, sheepish quality

BY Thomas McMullan |

A new show at London’s Wellcome Collection charts the influence manmade structures have had on health and wellbeing

BY Thomas McMullan |

At a time of instantaneous information and fetishized immersivity, artists are evoking scent as an alchemical, bodily response

BY Thomas McMullan |