Alteronce Gumby

Alteronce Gumby is an abstract artist working across multiple mediums and disciplines. In Gumby’s process, he utilizes landscape as it relates to space and everyday life. His paintings focus on the representation of the self and subvert the traditional understanding of light and color through nuanced application of tonal changes directly with the artist's fingers and hands. Gumby configures works in a jigsaw pattern, reconstructing chromatic spectrums of color, line, experience and spatiality. Besides being strongly influenced by established African-American artists, he abandons traditional formalistic techniques to push the spatial boundaries of color, light, darkness and form.

The artist talks about his practice of using glass and gemstones in his work, his inspiration behind his colours, and the cosmic and spiritual presence embedded in his paintings

BY Alteronce Gumby AND Terence Trouillot |