in Frieze Seoul | 21 AUG 23

AN Jungju: kick, clap, hat

Choreography derived from everyday sounds explores the contemporary visual landscape.

in Frieze Seoul | 21 AUG 23

AN Jungju, kick, clap, hat2021, multimedia installation, 360 VR video, stereo sound 7 min loop, two-channel video, stereo sound, 4K, color, 26 min 45 sec. All rights reserved by the artist.

Focusing on the relationship between image and sound within the medium of video, AN Jungju’s work presents its own non-linear narrative structure acquired by repetition, rearrangement, transformation, and variation of sounds and images collected from mass media and everyday life. In kick, clap, hat (2021), the artist composed music based on four sounds extracted from everyday life, which were then interpreted into choreography. AN utilizes VR and video projection to create an experience whose thread runs through image, sound and today’s visual landscape. Here, sound, as a non-textual language, is at the core of the narrative; as it clashes and harmonizes with image, it adds a synesthetic layer to the experience. Meticulously edited with a certain distance from the context before and after the image, AN’s work rhythmically unfolds, triggering a critical discussion around social, political and cultural phenomena. 

About the artist 

AN Jungju experiments with video language that creates its own narrative structure through the transformation, variation, repetition and segmentation of images and sounds collected from mass media or daily life. The sound images, combined through sophisticated editing, critically approaches social, political and cultural phenomena.