in Frieze Seoul | 21 AUG 23

KIM Daum: Blind Land

A real-estate term for a space surrounded by other plots that cannot be accessed becomes a way into narratives of occupation.

in Frieze Seoul | 21 AUG 23

KIM Daum, Blind Land, 2016, four-channel video, eight-channel sound, dimensions variable, 9 min 9 sec. All rights reserved by the artist.

From physical spaces to online environments, Kim Daum observes social structures and systems, and adds narrative to them. His work straddles private and public spheres; based on memories or personal experiences on a micro level, it evokes social, cultural, political and historical contexts on a macro level. In Blind Land (2016), the artist presents three narrators living in Seoul, Hong Kong and Taiwan, places with linked but independent histories. They let others into their own spaces, leave certain spaces, or encounter spaces left behind. Mengzi, ‘blind land’, is a real-estate term for a no-man’s land without a way in or out – a place surrounded by other plots of land that cannot be accessed in the normal way. The narrators express their emotions about the spaces they experience and evoke their psychological and emotional density. Their narration touches on themes of memory, occupation and possession of places where conflicts arise.

About the artist 

Kim Daum completed his BFA from Kookmin University in Seoul. His works address various interfaces that occur between relationships in our everyday lives. Recently, he has focused on the perspective and sense of the gap between reality and the ideal and is developing it in his practice.