Frieda Toranzo Jaeger

Showing results 1-5 of 5

A textile- and painting-heavy edition of the Venice Biennale follows a tried and tested method of curation

BY Chloe Stead |

From Cauleen Smith's elegiac songbook to Marcel Dzama's surreal landscapes of Canoe Lake, here's what not to miss this March

BY frieze |

In her exhibition at Travesía Cuatro in Mexico City, the passion of Christ becomes a parable for the antihuman politics of the global gig economy

BY Anna Goetz |

Aria Dean, Calla Henkel, Rene Matić, Frieda Toranzo Jaeger and Yukinori Yanagi tell us what deserves a rebound

The artist’s new series of paintings at Berlin’s Galerie Barbara Weiss unseats our fantasies of concealment

BY Greg Nissan |