Joseph Kosuth

Showing results 1-8 of 8

The Mayfair gallerist on ‘the idea of painting’, London’s most lethal cocktail and his ongoing struggle with the British stiff upper lip

'Crocodile Cradle', a collaborative project in the London gallery's window, collages together new and found texts by 51 artists, reflecting on how the pandemic has stratified society

BY Bryony White |

Joseph Kosuth talks about Almine Rech (C24)’s solo presentation of his work at Frieze New York 2018

Solo booths at Frieze New York 2018 see galleries showcase the most exciting and influential artists in the world today

Q: What do you wish you knew? A: All that I don’t, of course!

BY Joseph Kosuth |

Do philosophers understand contemporary art?

BY Jörg Heiser |

How designers are adopting the strategies of Conceptual art

BY Ronald Jones |

A profile of legendary dealer Leo Castelli

BY Louisa Buck |