Sean O'Toole

Sean O’Toole is a contributing editor of frieze, based in Cape Town, South Africa. 

Imagination, football and the Cameroonian philosopher Achille Mbembe

BY Sean O'Toole |

The controversial history of the $28-million African Renaissance Monument in Dakar

BY Sean O'Toole |

The odd couple: agitprop and the griot tradition

BY Sean O'Toole |

The brick as metaphor in South African art and writing

BY Sean O'Toole |

The life and death of public monuments

BY Sean O'Toole |

What a skatepark in Uganda symbolizes about African urbanity

BY Sean O'Toole |

The emotive language used to describe art-world narratives

BY Sean O'Toole |

Contemporary African artists respond to prejudice and homophobia

BY Sean O'Toole |

Being an artist in Africa means constantly dealing with officialdom, ennui and endless waiting

BY Sean O'Toole |

Amar Kanwar’s multilayered films and installations prompt ‘revelations, of different kinds, for different individuals’

BY Sean O'Toole |

Begonias, the lure of travel, endless writing and an unfinished book

BY Sean O'Toole |

Photography, Africa, dystopian fantasies and ‘the present as a screen’

BY Sean O'Toole |