Photo: Joel Barhamand

Frieze 91 서울: APMA "스티븐 해링턴" 개인전 프라이빗 투어 | Frieze 91 Seoul: Private Tour of "Steven Harrington" at APMA

4월 April 2024
서울 Seoul, South Korea

아모레퍼시픽미술관의 "스티븐 해링턴" 개인전 프라이빗 투어에 Frieze 91 멤버들을 초대합니다. 

아모레퍼시픽미술관은 2024년 상반기 전시로 미국 로스앤젤레스를 중심으로 활동해온 작가이자 디자이너 스티븐 해링턴(Steven Harrington)의 개인전을 개최한다. 작가는 캘리포니아 풍경과 문화를 연상시키는 생생한 색감과 유쾌한 캐릭터, 인간의 무의식과 무수한 감정에 대한 사색을 담은 작업으로 주목 받았다. 이번 전시에서는 회화, 판화, 드로잉, 조각, 영상과 더불어나이키, 크록스, 유니클로 등 세계적인 브랜드와의 협업을 통해 제작된 디자인 상품 100여 점을 종합적으로 만나볼 수 있다. 

인원 제한이 있어 사전 예약은 필수입니다. 

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Frieze 91 members are invited to a private guided tour of APMA's newest exhibition, "Steven Harrington"

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Steven Harrington is internationally recognized as a key figure in the contemporary Californian psychedelic-pop artistic scene. His work is known for its vibrant and distinct style, inviting a dialogue between artist and viewer.

Booking is essential as capacity is limited. 

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