Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre’s Top Picks from Frieze Viewing Room
The founder of Spirit Now London chooses six works by women artists at Frieze London, including Mandy El-Sayegh, Marguerite Humeau and Shafei Xia
The founder of Spirit Now London chooses six works by women artists at Frieze London, including Mandy El-Sayegh, Marguerite Humeau and Shafei Xia

Mandy El-Sayegh, Burning Square (Tiffany #2), 2024
Oil and acrylic on canvas with collaged and silkscreened elements and gold leaf, 227 × 147 cm. Presented by Thaddaeus Ropac. $50–100k
A few years ago, I visited Mandy El-Sayegh’s studio with Spirit Now London, my philanthropic community of collectors. I am mesmerized by the way she creates layers and plays with vivid colours and contemporary icons.
Asemahle Ntlonti, Xinizelelo lomphefumlo I, 2024
Acrylic paint, paper, acrylic gel and leno thread on canvas, 144 × 199 cm. Presented by blank projects. $20–50k
Asemahle Ntlonti’s work at Frieze London is sophisticated – apparently simple, it addresses a wide range of themes. I greatly appreciate the contrasts in her work. The act of stitching is traditionally seen as a delicate feminine activity, but its symbolic reference to her South African heritage adds a strong, thought-provoking layer.
Paloma Proudfoot, Skin poem, 2024
Glazed ceramic and metal bolts, 185 × 148 × 15 cm. Presented by The Approach. $20–50k
I love discovering new artists who play with the medium of ceramic. Paloma Proudfoot’s approach is original and clever, incorporating fabric and ceramics. I see her as a contemporary Frida Kahlo.
Claire Tabouret, Self Portrait (dioxazine violet), 2024
Acrylic on canvas, 55 × 46 cm. Presented by Night Gallery. Sold
I have been following the French artist Claire Tabouret for many years. I first discovered her 15 years ago, when she was still a student at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where I was part of the committee that awarded her the Prix Agnès. It has been a pleasure to witness the evolution of her distinctive portrait style and to see how she has gained prominence.
Marguerite Humeau, Venus of Courbet, A 80-year-old female human has ingested the brain of a swallow, 2018
Bronze, 78 × 72 × 27 cm. Presented by White Cube. Price on Application
Marguerite Humeau is a visionary talent not to be missed. Her approach is innovative and multisensory, grounded in biology, archaeology and scientific research. I first met Humeau ten years ago and recently admired her work in the Hayward Gallery exhibition ‘When Forms Come Alive’, followed by her beautiful solo show at White Cube.
Shafei Xia, Fight and the party, 2024
Watercolor on sandal paper mounted on canvas, 145 × 302 cm. Presented by P420. $20–50k
Shafei Xia is shortlisted for the Spirit Now London Acquisition Prize 2024. I am a fan of her playful, positive visual imagery, which sees the female body and sexuality presented in a light, joyful way, with animals appearing as ‘spirits guides’. Xia is a very promising artist.
About Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre
Marie-Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre is the founder of Spirit Now London, an international and diverse philanthropic community of art patrons and collectors from across the world, including Australia, Colombia, Greece, Egypt, the USA, Italy, Kazakhstan and Iran. Since 2022, Marie-Laure has chaired the Spirit Now London Acquisition Prize, which donates a work by a woman artist to a museum selected during Frieze London.
About Frieze Viewing Room
Open to all 2 – 18 October 2024, Frieze Viewing Room is the online catalogue for the fair, giving global audiences access to gallery presentations coming to Frieze London and Masters 2024. Visitors can search artworks by artist, price, date and medium, save favourite artworks and presentations, chat with galleries and much more.
Further Information
Frieze London and Frieze Masters, 9 – 13 October 2024, The Regent’s Park.
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Main Image: Shafei Xia, Fight and the party, 2024. Watercolor on sandal paper mounted on canvas, 145 × 302 cm. Courtesy: the artist and P420