Sadie Coles

Showing results 1-5 of 5

The artist’s intricate paintings and multimedia installations at Sadie Coles HQ in London explore themes of artistic labour and concealed influences

BY Ivana Cholakova |

At Sadie Coles HQ, London, the artist turns his pin-sharp brushwork to depth and volume, conjuring surfaces that seemingly scoop and protrude

BY Matthew McLean |

From tapestries of ‘Tootsie Rolls’ to excerpts from a burnt-out dystopia: here’s what’s on in the UK capital

BY Chris Fite-Wassilak |

‘It encourages you to ponder its exalted lineage while taking the piss out of you for doing so’

Pressed by the increasing need to generate diverse streams of income, UK art organizations turn to crowdfunding

BY Ellen Mara De Wachter |