Aaron Peck

Showing results 1-14 of 14

Urbanist Justinien Tribillon's debut book explores the city through its peripheries and histories of urban planning 

BY Aaron Peck |

Aaron Peck reflects on the life of one of contemporary art’s most sympathetic comedians

BY Aaron Peck |

From Lydia Ourahmane’s filmic exploration of central Saharan mountains at Fondation Louis Vuitton to P Staff’s ‘Love Life’ at Galerie Sultana

BY Aaron Peck |

The first edition of the Parisian festival brings together twenty-seven artists who grapple with technologies of image-making

BY Aaron Peck |

A recent survey at The Polygon, Vancouver, showcases the painter’s varied practice in photography 

BY Aaron Peck |

At Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, the Austrian artist mines epochs of ancient history to bring painting back to a time before consciousness

BY Aaron Peck |

The duo’s installations at Galerie Templon, Paris, couldn’t be timelier

BY Aaron Peck |

With a retrospective at Munich’s Museum Brandhorst, McKenzie gleans political ideologies from the polishes and veneers of our world

BY Aaron Peck |

The most remarkable thing about ‘The Mysterious Correspondent’ is the way it deals directly with gay and lesbian characters

BY Aaron Peck |

Witnessing the catastrophic fire of Notre-Dame

BY Aaron Peck |

For 40 years, the Italian artist’s work has ‘shocked us into new realities’

BY Aaron Peck |

‘I found it at my local used bookstore more than a month before its release date, only days after 9/11’

BY Aaron Peck |

At Vitry-sur-Seine's MAC VAL, the artist explores architecture's infliction of violence on the colonized and on those who suffer its legacies

BY Aaron Peck |

A rare, newly-published interview with the late October editor, reveals an art critic intent on changing the terms of the debate

BY Aaron Peck |