
Showing results 1-19 of 19

A new wave of spaces has emerged to embrace the city’s pop sensibility and challenge the status quo

Thomas J. Lax, Rodney McMillian and Zoé Whitley reflect on the exhibitions and projects that shaped the iconic institution

Dare Turner talks with Jeffrey Gibson, Archie Moore and Inuuteq Storch about working within the settler colonial framework of American, Australian and Danish pavilions

A conversation celebrating the release of Any Day Now: Toward a Black Aesthetic introduces the prolific writer and essayist to a new generation

BY Allie Biswas AND Meleko Mokgosi |

Five curators, artists and writers discuss the impact of AI models like ChatGPT on artistic production

Former members of artist duos and groups discuss how and why art collectives form, and eventually come to pass

After a series of new appointments for Berlin’s museums, Carina Bukuts discusses the future of the city’s institutional landscape with Anselm Franke, María Inés Plaza Lazo, Fabian Schöneich and Sung Tieu

Artists Phoebe Collings-James and Julia Phillips speak to Dr Jareh Das about clay’s physical registers and the ways the material will outlive us

Mona Benyamin, Emily Jacir and Larissa Sansour discuss the role artists play in responding to the Israeli occupation, from building international solidarity to shifting language and creating new iconographies


Writers Gregg Bordowitz, Pamela Sneed, Sur Rodney (Sur) and Lynne Tillman discuss how the AIDS crisis changed art writing, and what lessons writers might carry over to the Covid-19 pandemic

As the world tips towards more reactionary and fascistic regimes, what does it mean to call for artistic freedoms that implicitly reproduce oppression?

What's behind the outcry againt Chris Dercon's appointment at the Volksbühne? A roundtable with theatre critics Eva Behrendt and Tobi Müller

Amy Sherlock chairs a discussion between Caroline Achaintre, Aaron Angell, Alison Britton and Richard Slee about their work in clay

BY Amy Sherlock |

What is Dansaekhwa and what is its legacy today?

Discussing the myths and realities of the Cologne art scene – a roundtable with Renate Goldmann, Hannes Loichinger, Marcel Odenbach, Susanne Titz and Gregory H. Williams. With photographs by Wilhelm Schürmann and Andrea Stappert

BY frieze d/e |

At a time of revolution in digital technologies, when making extraordinary images has never been technically easier, painting persists. Jennifer Higgie asked eight artists to share their thoughts on the whys and wherefores of figurative painting

BY Jennifer Higgie |

In recent years, the work of self-taught artists has come to be contextualized within larger narratives of contemporary art. How is Outsider Art best understood and what does this definition mean when ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ become blurred? How does it relate to fraught issues of education and exclusion, originality and exploitation? Jonathan Griffin invited Robert Gober, Matthew Higgs, Paul Laffoley and David Maclagan to discuss these questions

BY Jonathan Griffin |