
Showing results 81-100 of 375

Three new books – from T. Fleischmann, Kathryn Scanlan and Anne Walsh – make a case for the importance of intimacy

BY Emily LaBarge |

In her new memoir, the poet asks whether art has a purpose beyond representation

BY Rainer Diana Hamilton |

Amy Fung’s new essay collection is an infuriated breakup letter to the art world

BY Mitch Speed |

Her lyrical, haunting novel Celestial Bodies exposes the global forces that preclude literary value from flowing in both directions

BY Sarah Jilani |

A new book by Jay David Bolter chronicles the demise of cultural gatekeeping

BY Houman Barekat |

Snapchat guru Nathan Jurgenson’s new book argues that our surfeit of images has ushered in a new way of existing in the world

BY Daniel Penny |

Beatriz Colomina’s latest book, X-Ray Architecture, argues that the spaces and technologies of the sanatorium gave rise to the modern movement’s iconic forms

BY Thomas McMullan |

On the emergence of transgender literature

BY Juliet Jacques |

Somewhere between prose poem and novel, the author’s second book channels the polluted landscapes and xenophobic discourse of contemporary Britain

BY Tom Overton |

Newly published in the US, ‘Birthday’ sees the Argentinian writer at his most personal – and vulnerable

BY Steven Zultanski |

‘History is full of people who just didn’t,’ reads the first line of her riveting opening essay, which also serves as a sort of statement of intent

BY Negar Azimi |

The poet’s new collection chronicles a father’s succumbing to dementia and a daughter’s attempt to endure

BY Harry Thorne |

The Psychology of an Art Writer provides a beautiful account of Lee’s looking and feeling and thinking and writing about art’

BY Vivian Sky Rehberg |

A new collection of previously uncompiled essays finds a writer poised at the threshold of art and literature

BY Jerome Boyd-Maunsell |

A newly-translated book by Heike Geissler chronicles the life of a warehouse worker

BY Tom Overton |

The way in which we talk about these accolades tends to hyperbole; artworks are not created in a financial vacuum

BY Helen Charman |

‘After Kurzweil’s book landed with a thud in the centre of our culture, it was impossible not to address its claims’

BY Chris Wiley |

This year saw the publication of a rich vein of books about motherhood and women’s work

BY Carmen Winant |

‘Boom obsesses over every element of design – including the textures and scents of her books, as well as their appearance’

BY Alice Rawsthorn |

From environmentalist epics to Norse mythology and the re-emergence of Russian cosmism: John Holten surveys the best books of 2018

BY John Holten |