
Showing results 121-140 of 172

From the concept of human nature to post-Brexit erotica: what to read this weekend

BY Paul Clinton |

Does the newly completed Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center signal a new chapter for Greece?

BY Maria Nicolacopoulou |

A report from Marfa Sounding

BY Sabrina Tarasoff |

Trajal Harrell talks ‘realness’, daydreaming, and his performance Twenty Looks or Paris is Burning at the Judson Church (S)

BY Matthew McLean |

Enacting a group-designed digital identity

BY Chloe Stead |

Alexandra Bachzetsis’s new performance, Private: Wear a mask when you talk to me

BY Chloe Stead |

On the perplexing nature of Anne Imhof's new performance, Angst

BY Chloe Stead |

A report from the festival on feminism and public space in Hamburg

BY Chloe Stead |

Could this viscerality, this hysteria, be political?

BY Saim Demircan |

A new video by the Chinese artist hosted exclusively on

Anna Homler and Steven Warwick’s Breadwoman highlights the ever-iterative performance of the female voice

BY Eli Pitegoff |

National College of Art and Design Gallery, Dublin

BY Gemma Tipton |

The provocative works of the Japanese collective Chim↑Pom

Rotlicht wird auf sich bewegende Haut geworfen. In Nahaufnahme, gestaucht oder gedehnt, sieht sie aus wie Ein- und Ausstülpungen innerer Organe. Die Härchen mancher Körperstellen flimmern dabei wie eine Invasion von Wimperntierchen. Dazu Schmatzen, Raunzen, Gurgeln, das enervierend unter die Haut geht. Es ist jedoch kein biologisches Mikroskoptheater, das die Kamera von Vong Phaophanit und der Sound von Cathy Lane der Choreografie von Rosemary Butchers Arbeit Scan hinzufügen, sondern ein werkreflexiver Epilog.

BY Astrid Kaminski |

Cooperation and dissent in Koki Tanaka’s precarious tasks

BY Andrew Maerkle |

Acting, therapy, song and humour

BY Jonathan P. Watts |

Sculpture, field recordings and the ghosts of dead rappers

BY Andy Battaglia |

Body and soul in the performances of Alexandra Bachzetsis

BY Laura McLean-Ferris |

What are the challenges of producing a dance piece in the form of an exhibition?

David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK

BY Matthew McLean |